Saturday, July 27, 2024

Two Days Late - and a Reid Clerihew


So after making a point of saying I would be posting, and resurrecting the notion that I am "Thursday," I failed to post on Thursday. 

Fortunately, "E" filled that gap. It was good to see someone else posting here.

I plead busyness and forgetfulness.

I've been writing and editing the newsletter for a local pro-life pregnancy center, which I have to get to the President of the center by next week for approval, and then off to the printer the following week.

But still, I should have posted something. That's where the forgetfulness comes in.

Anyway, here's a topical clerihew I did scribble this week:

Joy Reid
was fined for driving at excessive speed.
She was dismayed when the Black traffic court judge didn't agree
that speed limits are a tool of white supremacy.

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