Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Norwegian Chesterton!

Last week, having just finished Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset, I wrote a post about hearing Undset being called the Norwegian Chesterton - "The Norwegian Chesterton?". I praised the book, and noted that she knew Chesterton's work, and had even translated The Everlasting Man into Norwegian. I wondered if they ever met.

This week, I uncovered the January/February issue of Gilbert. I had received it weeks ago, but had put it aside to read later, and it had gotten buried under some notebooks. When i finally opened it what did I find on page 22? "The Norwegian Chesterton" by David P. Deavel!

Great minds think alike?

Okay, my piece is a simple blog post. His is an actual article, discussing her life and work, and linking her to Chesterton in a more complete way. He also answered my question. Apparently Undset did meet Chesterton (and Belloc) in 1928, the same year she won the Nobel Prize in Literature.

By the way, if you do not subscribe to Gilbert, consider doing so. It is the officially "Magazine of the Society of G. K. Chesterton." You subscribe by joining the Society - a worthy organization, and the membership/subscription is considered a tax-deductible donation.  

Go to to find out more.

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