As promised, here are some images from Chesterton's
The Coloured Lands that have never before been seen online (or so my most ardent searching would seem to indicate). The images are nice and big, so be sure to click on them for the enlarged view.

And we shall round it out with one of his darling caricatures of rage:

Next time there will be some more text from the book, as well as a caricature series entitled "Immortal Idiots" in which such characters as Abel, Charles I, and Horatio Nelson meet their doom.
Love your sites! I put you in my side bar, hope that's ok. If not let me know.
Sincerely, a once baptist turned pentecostal who loves mostly Catholic and Anglican apologetics and so just calls herself Christian.
It's absolutely okay, Carole. Welcome to the circle!
Carole: Have you read any Flannery O'Connor?
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