Yes, that’s right!
You can be the first kid on your block to own the new House of Gilbert T-shirt.
This burnt orange 100% cotton T (cotton is a common sense material after all) is emblazoned with the House of Gilbert Aesthetics Department on the front (in navy and white) and on the back is GKC’s quote, “Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.”
Now you would expect to pay hundreds of dollars for this rare quality item in stores but here at the Chesterton and Friends blog we (that is I am) are offering this ‘Yes, I know who Chesterton is’ T-Shirt for the rock bottom price of only $17.50 and that includes shipping!
There is a limited supply so act NOW! This shirt comes in a one size fits most XL.
Now if you want to buy a dozen or more for your local Chesterton Society or next pub crawl you can receive a discount and get them in the size God built you.
Send check or money order to:
Bridge Street Outfitters
A. Capasso
pobox 336
Gettysburg OH, USA
Include your name and shipping address. Let us know if you want info on buying this shirt in quantity or info on our other Catholic T- shirts.
Order today – Because you don’t want to be caught drinking your next ale without a shirt on. Do you?
Dear Alan,
As a fightin' Texas Aggie I refuse to wear "burnt orange".
Actually it is Texas Orange.
but our friends in Canada might not "get" the meaning of that color.
Go Aggies!
The "25th Annual Chesterton Conference Shirt" (see link below) and the cover of Dale's "Apostle of Common Sense" are both colored, appropriately, burgundy. And burgundy is, for all practical purposes, Aggie Maroon.
Perhaps there are one or two UT Longhorns in Austin that read GKC. They will appreciate your color choice.
Is it possible for the editor of Gilbert Mag to get a shirt in the proper GKC size of XXXL?
Also, I'll link to this on The Blue Boar. :-)
> the proper GKC size of XXXL?
My understanding is that GKC was no heavier than DA. I have that from a very reliable source.
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