Monday, September 05, 2022

Crisis Magazine: Book It


Crisis Magazine - "A Voice for the Faithful Catholic Laity" - has been featuring a series of articles about some of our favorite authors.

The recent articles include:

The magazine - to which one can subscribe online for free - has had any number of wonderful articles. Just consider some of these titles:

Was Shakespeare Catholic? (Pearce again!) (He also has a series of "Nutshell" articles about a variety of books) 

Real Marriages Are Founded on God, Not Government

Inviting Us to Participate in Sin - (on the synodal process!)

Weapon of Choice - (The Rosary)

She-Hulk Shows Why Feminism Is Not the Answer

I suspect if Chesterton were around today he would be a frequent contributor. 

The magazine is well worth checking out. 


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