Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Narnia For Dummies

What is an allegory? And who - I forget - is that lion supposed to represent? Finally, the book I've been needing is here...

C.S. Lewis & Narnia For Dummies is a plain-English guide that provides a friendly introduction to the master storyteller and Christian apologist, revealing the meanings behind the The Chronicles of Narnia and The Screwtape Letters as well as his other works. You will also discover how his life influenced his writings, more about his friendship with Tolkien and the Inklings, and why Lewis went from being a confirmed atheist to a committed Christian and how he addressed his beliefs in his writings.

Hopefully "Chesterton, G.K." shows up in the index.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a small section on GKC in the book. This is an interesting work. While intended for novices, it is a good summary of information on Lewis for anyone who is a devotee of CSL in particular or the Christian Humanist school in general.
Now, when will someone do a Chesterton for Dummies?
Your Servant.